5 reasons why being you works

Hello friends! Back again with another list (I love god-damn lists). I was recently in the big bad city of London visiting a friend, and then in the quiet, conservative city of Oxford. These are two very different places, however one thing they have in common is how people act. Or dress in a sense. After living in Brighton I realised that people just don't care what you wear, its all about self-expression. For years and years my life has been about looking presentable for others. I am bored of it. I want to wear comfy trousers and colourful unmatching tops. It is difficult when you are constantly being judged as a woman on what to do and not do, what to wear and not wear. After being in those cities I realised that my style has differed massively. In Brighton I suit bright yellow and blue trousers, in London I look like the sunshine they have never seen- I LOVE it. It is time to accept who you are, this is your skin, your personality, your body for your whole lif...