
Helloo friends! I wanted to discuss advertising as a whole in this blogpost. Mostly because it is part of my study at university, but also because it has sparked up a flame inside of me which I wanted to spread with you all! The original Victoria Secret Advert When we think of advertising we first think of models, we think of how consumables are displayed and what effect this has on society. Take a Victoria Secret advert as an example, one in particular (see image 1) depicts a woman as having 'the perfect body'. This 'impossible standard' is something that degrades women, makes them feel worthless. As if we can never be good enough, never 'perfect' like the photoshopped women constantly shown in all forms of advertising. This is the way we are bringing up the generation, to believe that they will never be perfect. Contrary to this, advertising also opens a world we can utilise to our advantage, taking the example I used earlier it's important to no...