
Showing posts from December, 2016

Youth Stop Aids- It Ain't Over!

Hello! Courtesy of Chanelle Manton photography Courtesy of Chanelle Manton photography Last week I went to an interesting panel named 'Aids Activism', the idea behind this was a Q+A and a open panel discussion on HIV, the movements that have been done around this and discussing the stigmas connected with HIV/AIDS, especially as last week was World Aids Day, it seemed fitting. Sussex, Stop AIDS and LGBTQ+ organised the event, which took place at the Sussex University campus (came with free wine!) with a fantastic panel of speakers including: The speakers + organiser Hugh Stirling and members of the Youth Sussex Stop Aids and Ellie Priest (member of LGBTQ+ community (Courtesy of Chanelle Manton Photography) Courtesy of Chanelle Manton Photography Edwin J. Bernard Edwin is the global co-ordinator of the HIV Justice Network, based in Brighton but with an international reach, which focuses on ending the inappropriate use of the criminal law to regulate...

Tis' the Season to be Jolly

Hello again! Christmas Lights in Brighton! (Duke Street) With the build up to Christmas it only seems necessary to dedicate one post to the 'Three Phases' of Christmas in my eyes, so I will be discussing how to organise your crimbo, from decorations to the gifts. I started getting prepared for the holidays the same way the retail world does, once halloween was over! It is my favourite time of the year. I love the spirit it brings, adore the giving nature of others, and the whole season is filled with jumpers, hot cocoa and cuddles! Phase One: Prep! Mulled wine goodness! The best way to begin your holidays is to make a list, one with the people you will be purchasing for, and a list of items you want this year for Christmas. If you've been following my previous articles, this year I've decided to ask for donations to my Justgiving cause 'Help the Refugees'. (Link below for those interested!) However in terms of my fellow friends and family I...

Raising Awareness

Hello friends! As you are all aware, two years ago I embarked on an adventure of a lifetime, to Zambia, to support Restless Development for three months. Well, I'm off again! This time heading to Calais,  in the new year to help a fantastic charity called ‘Help the Refugees’ and ‘L’Auberge des Migrants’. We want to start 2017 off the best way we can, and this charity helps the most vulnerable people currently reaching Europe’s shoes. From the donations we hope to raise we are able to provide refugees that much needed water, sanitation, food, medical aid, education, valuable and basic living conditions. This is something that if affecting hundreds and thousands of refugees across the world, with a bigger increase in migration over the last few years comes a much bigger demand for volunteers.  I think getting hangovers the first day of the New Year is overrated, so helping out abroad is the next best thing. This is where you can get involved! I am asking f...