Biwati Children's Home Fundraiser

Good morning, It has been a while since my last post, I have been rushed off my feet with university and extra projects- as well as a full time job! As you know from my previous post, I am raising money for Biwati's Children Home: 'Established to protect children displaced by Kenyan post-election violence in 2007, the Biwati Community School was founded in Cham gi Wadu in 2010 by a group of 10 local women led by Jayne Awuor Owino. Their goal was to provide children with a safe educational environment as well as hope for a secure future because many of these children were being exploited through forced child labour and sexual abuse. The school comprises 100 children, 15 of whom suffer from maternal HIV infection. Whilst a large number of the children are orphans, many stay with elderly grandmothers. Some have been abandoned by their relatives and are homeless and these are accommodated group members in their own homes. There are two retired teachers, one of whom is th...