Christmas Crazy
Yes it is that time of year! The weather gets colder, coats appear, the John Lewis advert comes on TV and everyone is excited about what advent calendar to get for December.
I'm aware it's still November but I believe that because there aren't any holidays in November that gives us justice to start Christmas early! If it wasn't for Halloween we would probably start Christmas when the first leaf falls off a tree!
I love Christmas. I love the decor, I love having special bedsheets, I love a reason for comfort food, I ADORE wearing more clothes, the leggings, jumper and Timberland boots make another appearance this year. I love getting people gifts more than anything else! I like November as my month to save up money before I go crazy with gifts in December. That has to be my favourite part of Christmas-the giving. I don't mind as such not receiving anything, but the look on someone's face when they open something they've always wanted brings enough joy for me! I also admire the stockings, I can't think of anything more exciting than the 8 year old me waking up on Christmas morning with an overfilled stocking at the end of my bed. Unfortunately I now live alone and I am 20 so I haven't seen stockings in a while.
Update on me: Sorry i haven't been posting for a while, work has been crazy as usual, bills are due, I'm trying to re-organise my life down here in terms of doctors, opticians etc etc. I also have started seeing somebody, it's been a month since I broke up with F, so I feel ready to go back out there, and I did, and he is lovely. He is kind, gentle, hilarious, understanding and really makes me happy. We spend a majority of our time together watching Netflix and cuddling. I'm really happy with him, it's far too early to say where it will be going, but I'm already comfortable enough to have him stay over, I would like to think this one is a keeper! I'll keep you updated! (Ps, he is gorgeous!)
I can't say I'm excited for Christmas, I will be working the entire day, my family lives 4 hours away from me and therefore my day will be spent working, then going home to an empty flat and straight to sleep. It's upsetting but I know I need the money, and I am more than happy to rid 2015 goodbye and forget about it. It has been a crazy year for sure. I went from Africa-Europe-Living with friends-working with friends- splitting up with friends- selling house- moving to Brighton- finding love- finding work- now I'm here!
I've spent this year working my ass off to afford a simple life. Luckily 2016 looks like a good one, I am always better with even years! I will be starting university, and will be all settled down here.
I also wanted to say thank-you, for those who have taken the time to read my blog, I urge you to send me any messages if you need help, advice, or just have an opinion to be honest! Consider me an agony aunt, is what my closest friend calls me on a regular basis.
I don't have much more to say on the matter, I hope you are all well, and I will keep you updated on my life!
Till then!
I'm aware it's still November but I believe that because there aren't any holidays in November that gives us justice to start Christmas early! If it wasn't for Halloween we would probably start Christmas when the first leaf falls off a tree!
I love Christmas. I love the decor, I love having special bedsheets, I love a reason for comfort food, I ADORE wearing more clothes, the leggings, jumper and Timberland boots make another appearance this year. I love getting people gifts more than anything else! I like November as my month to save up money before I go crazy with gifts in December. That has to be my favourite part of Christmas-the giving. I don't mind as such not receiving anything, but the look on someone's face when they open something they've always wanted brings enough joy for me! I also admire the stockings, I can't think of anything more exciting than the 8 year old me waking up on Christmas morning with an overfilled stocking at the end of my bed. Unfortunately I now live alone and I am 20 so I haven't seen stockings in a while.

I can't say I'm excited for Christmas, I will be working the entire day, my family lives 4 hours away from me and therefore my day will be spent working, then going home to an empty flat and straight to sleep. It's upsetting but I know I need the money, and I am more than happy to rid 2015 goodbye and forget about it. It has been a crazy year for sure. I went from Africa-Europe-Living with friends-working with friends- splitting up with friends- selling house- moving to Brighton- finding love- finding work- now I'm here!
I've spent this year working my ass off to afford a simple life. Luckily 2016 looks like a good one, I am always better with even years! I will be starting university, and will be all settled down here.
I also wanted to say thank-you, for those who have taken the time to read my blog, I urge you to send me any messages if you need help, advice, or just have an opinion to be honest! Consider me an agony aunt, is what my closest friend calls me on a regular basis.
I don't have much more to say on the matter, I hope you are all well, and I will keep you updated on my life!
Till then!
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